martedì 22 giugno 2010

PLAYSTATION - Playstation lens replacing VIDEO

Playstation lens replacing VIDEO in English

Ciao a tutti....
Dopo il tutorial scritto qui sul blog qualche giorno fà ecco anche il video sulla sostituzione della lente che ho messo su youtube, le spiegazioni sono in un inglese molto primitivo, ma scusate, è il meglio che posso fare :)

Hello to everybody....
After the tutorial written here on the blog a few days ago here there is the video about the lens replacing That I put on youtube, the explanations are in English very primitive, but sorry, it's the best I can do :)


3 commenti :

  1. You don't like this video? :)
    I know that it's very easy operation....maybe the video is not necessary :D ...but I did anyway :D
    Ciao Blake ;)

  2. no, no, the video is fine. Taking things apart frightens me.

    I've took so many things apart in my life and when I reassembled them, it never seems to work right or in some cases not at all.


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